Is it Death? Spiritual Healing? It's Both

As we progress on our spiritual and personal journeys, we go through a death and rebirth cycle.

It can feel heavy and very uncomfortable as an older version of yourself is being put to rest, but just know that on the other side there’s a more expansive version waiting for you. 

Signs you’re in a rebirth phase:

Things you enjoy no longer resonate: As our vibration raises and we become more awakened - people, places, things, and situations that used to light us up may no longer feel compatible or enjoyable. We hold a lot of resistance to this phase of the rebirth process because we like to stay in comfortable surroundings. 

Old wounds come to the surface: Something you thought you already healed comes back to trigger you. Healing happens in layers. When an old wound comes back it’s usually an indication that we are reaching a new level of awareness around it.  

Lack of clarity or direction: Rebirth phases can be jarring. It often feels like not being in alignment with who you used to be, changing how you show up presently, but not knowing exactly where it is you are heading. It’s this strange feeling of being stuck in the “in-between.” 

If you find yourself in a rebirth phase just know that it’s one cycle closing and another one opening up. You are being asked to clear what is no longer in alignment so that you can create space for more soul-aligned experiences.

It’s especially important that you grieve and express your emotions fully around the process - our souls still hold a human form afterall! 

If you’re ready to fully surrender to the next level of your abundant and expansive soul self, but aren’t sure how or where to start, take my three-part workshop, The Birth of a Woman. Three transformational videos and practices to help you through your transition and transformation, for just $22. 


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