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Watch the video above for a quick overview of how to use this portal. Don’t forget to join our private community to RSVP for upcoming events, ask questions, and connect with other members.

Conscious women birth ancestral revolutions.

Conscious women birth ancestral revolutions.

Choose Your Journey

Each journey has a custom path of healing and integration for you to step into your power and divinity. Start with one, and then move on to the next whenever/if you feel called to it.

Soul truth and alignment

  • How ancestral, societal, and feminine conditioning affects your purpose.

  • Learn how to create a soul-aligned vision plan and get clear on your why.

  • Recognizing your gifts, abilities, and how to use them to create a bridge to your higher self.

  • Clearing the energetic debris that might be holding you back from making bold choices to walk confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Heart-centered service

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Item description

Conscious conception & parenting

Event Replays ☆

Event Replays ☆

Missed a New Moon Workshop or Full Moon Healing Circle?

Check out the replays inside our private community.

Energy Updates

Weekly channeled messages on collective energetic themes and how to work with them.

Spiritual Development

A few of my favorite practices to help you on your journey of awakening.

Check back regularly for new additions.

  • Check out some of my fav books that have helped me throughout my journey HERE

  • Watch the video here

  • Learn who your spirit guides are and enjoy a guided journey to start connecting with them. Watch the video HERE.

  • Practices to ground your energy and keep a daily affirmation routine.

    Watch it HERE

Member Benefits

Check back often for new benefits

$40 off a reading - Soul Family Reading Discount

50% off of Soulful Beginnings: A Course In Spirit Babies Use promo code SB44

Entrepreneurs: Get 50% off of your first year with FloDesk 

25% off regularly priced US orders Earth Mama Organics Use code KRISTINEMCGLINCHEYEM25

Have A

We value and welcome your feedback to make this community as inclusive and supportive as possible. Feel free to share content ideas, and reach out to us at any time.