Overcoming the Fear of Motherhood

You’re never ready. To evolve, to enter a new chapter, to start again. Sure you take little steps toward getting there but growth happens whether you’re ready for it or not.

I learned that trying to conceive is more than monitoring your ovulation cycle and having sex. It’s a process that involves preparing your mind, body and spirit. Souls choose us to be their guide.

We have to be open to receiving them.

For a long time I was blocking the idea of having a baby. I was just too busy. I had a thriving corporate career, packed social life, hectic travel schedule - where would a baby fit into that?

My perception of having a child was that life had to slow down to make room for one - I couldn’t have a successful career, maintain my love of traveling, and continue my fast paced lifestyle with a baby around.

These were my excuses as to why I couldn’t have a baby. Of course, there are millions of mothers with great careers, babies can travel and although things would change, I’d adjust.

What was the underlying reason I felt like I couldn’t be a mother?

Failure. I was scared to be a bad mom. I was intimidated by the commitment and responsibility that came with raising a child.

I perceived motherhood as a burden rather than a blessing.

I became obsessed with my career and kept myself busy to bury the part of me that actually wanted to be a mother.

It was a lot for me to wrap my head around but it all came down to living out of alignment with my soul-self. The part of me that knew I was worthy of living the life I dreamed of.

Once I embarked on my road to healing, emphasis on my career didn’t matter as much, social gatherings didn’t seem so important, and my frantic pace slowed down. Without even “planning” it, shortly after I was pregnant.

I aligned my mind with my body and spirit and received the blessing that was waiting for me.

My daughter has allowed me to see my purpose more clearly than ever before.

What vision for your life are you hoping to create?

Is it unpacking limiting beliefs surrounding motherhood or entering an exciting new chapter as an expecting mom?

No matter what it is, I am here to support you. I’ve been there so I know what’s on the other side.

Want to start or grow your family but feel nervous, overwhelmed, or at a crossroad?

Join Embodying Your Magic, a membership space to connect, grow, and feel supported while healing ancestral trauma, feminine wounds, and limiting beliefs that are hindering your path to true fulfillment.


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